(Updated August 11, 2023)
What to know
- Volmex perpetual futures trading competition
- Live on Arbitrum testnet now, in addition to Base
- BTC-USD and ETH-USD markets on Arbitrum
More information
Volmex Labs is hosting a perpetual futures trading competition over the next four weeks. The trading competition serves to test the Volmex perpetual futures exchange ahead of the imminent mainnet launch.
Start Date: Monday, July 17, 2023, 2 pm EST
End Date: Monday, September 4, 2023, 2 pm EST
Prize Pool:
- $2500 USDC prize pool split across top 3 finishers ($1500 first place, $750 second place, $250 third place)
- Volmex swag pack (t-shirt, stickers, hat)
- Special prizes you wont want to miss
How to win?
Simply, have the top PNL across all chains. Track on the leaderboard here now: https://leaderboard.volmex.finance/
Use it now and help test
- Get testnet stablecoins from the public testnet faucet: https://faucet.volmex.finance/
- The Volmex Perpetual Futures user interface: https://perpetuals.volmex.finance/
- Learn more and read the docs: https://docs.volmex.finance/perpetuals/
- Submit bugs in the Volmex Discord #testnet-bugs channel: https://discord.gg/volmex

About Volmex
Volmex Labs is the leading builder of crypto volatility indices and products. Volmex is backed by leading crypto investors and traders including Robot Ventures, DWF Labs, CMS Holdings, and more. The Volmex Labs team consists of world-class talent from various crypto and traditional financial industry companies including Staked, IMC Trading, ConsenSys, MSCI, and more.
The Volmex Perpetual Futures testnet is available only to users outside of the US. Please see Volmex’s Terms of Service at the following link for additional terms and conditions applicable to the testnet: https://volmex.finance/terms-of-service/