Volmex Global, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Volmex Labs, the creator of leading crypto volatility indices, the BVIV (Bitcoin Volmex Implied Volatility) and EVIV (Ethereum Volmex Implied Volatility) Indices, is pleased to announce the launch of the first perpetual futures contracts based on Volmex’s Bitcoin and Ether implied volatility on Bitfinex Derivatives.
The Bitcoin Implied Volatility Index (BVIVF0:USTF0) and Ethereum Implied Volatility Index (EVIVF0:USTF0) perpetual futures contracts launched on Bitfinex Derivatives track the 30-day expected volatility of Bitcoin and Ether options using the Volmex Implied Volatility indices. Both contracts can be traded with up to 20 times leverage.
Volmex Labs is the creator of the Volmex Implied Volatility Indices, the BVIV Index (Bitcoin Volmex Implied Volatility), and the EVIV Index (Ethereum Volmex Implied Volatility) - the first and leading crypto volatility indices. Volmex Implied Volatility Index data is available on leading platforms, including TradingView, CoinMarketCap, and more.
The BVIV-Perp and EVIV-Perp can be used to hedge, speculate, and more. To access on Bitfinex Derivatives, eligible customers can visit:
→ https://trading.bitfinex.com/t/BVIVF0:USTF0 →https://trading.bitfinex.com/t/EVIVF0:USTF0

About Volmex
Volmex Global is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Volmex Labs, the creator of the leading crypto volatility indices, the BVIV and EVIV Indices. The BVIV and EVIV Indices measure the constant, forward-looking 30-day expected volatility of BTC and ETH, respectively, derived from real-time crypto call and put options. Volmex Implied Volatility Index data is available on leading platforms, including TradingView, CoinMarketCap, and more. Visit https://volmex.finance to learn more and https://charts.volmex.finance to access the Volmex Implied Volatility Indices.